Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Lordaeron awaits and Orders rally.

This is the first update of many to come, on the Lordaeron Project on the Sha'tar EU.

Summary: Weekly events for Lordaeron.

1. Roleplay introduction
2. The events
3. Participation Alliance
4. Participation horde.
5. PvP rules.
6 Summary.
7. Branches

1. Roleplay introduction

Dathran leans down over his desk, muttering and ponderign what to write last. Eventually he hands the letter to the Herald and send him away, to the Southern lands. The Herald hurries over the roads and several days later he arrives, tired, in Stormwind. After a night's rest he heads for the Trade district, climbs the famed pile of boxes, and clears his throath.

"Citizens of Stormwind, the Alliance and allies of Lordaeron, I speak in name of the Grand Crusader of the Scarlet Order, to those loyal to Lordaeron and share his cause. The Forsaken are a vile enemy, an enemy too strong to beat in warfare as it stands. Our forces scattered, weakened, yet, smart.

The time has come to turn the tables, the time has come to begin a new form of warfare. I travelled to you - allies - all the way from Light's Pinnacle to bring you news, an invitation. His Lordship of the Isle invites you all - Allies of any race, any order - to come for Light's Pinnacle this friday. Our gates shall open, if your motivation is pure and holy, to prepare a plan, to prepare an assault, to prepare the True Coalition that will finalize the assault on Lordaeron.

The Council of Lordaeron shall reform and under the Watchfull eyes of the light, an agreement shall be made. A warplan shall be prepared, and the inevitable culling of Lordaeron will begin.

Forsaken shall be weakened. Scourge shall be taunted, our brethren Avenged. All, in preparation for the final, Grand Assault.

The Battle for New and Old Lordaeron is at hand, rally your followers, rally your soldiers, rally at Light's Pinnacle, To fight a war properly and organized. Worthy of true heroes.

I repeat: Hurry to Light's Pinnacle, for this friday, the Council of Lordaeron shall be held.

The Herald bows his head and evades a random ball of Turkey feathers , before leaving the city as soon as he can.

2. The event(s)

Recently Lordaeron has had several guilds attempting to make a worldwide roleplay event within it's lands. However, I believe that this was all too much centered around one guild, or around particular people. With the following events, we will aim to create roleplay, independant of hosts being online, for all groups of roleplayers interested.

Both events involving RpPvP but of course also, social events, trade events, and so on. (I will begin contacting guilds for participation soon after today and add them to the list or not) The point is, we won't -force- your guild to enter with everything that is decided or hosted. There will be several roleplay branches within Lordaeron, and by Uther's beard, let us hope they will all flourish, at once.

-Current- Event Ideas:

1. Hitting and running the lands.

A simple RpPvP event that will be done/can occur, several times a week at anytime people feel up for it. This event is based on the fact that our armies are not large enough to have a massive war with the Forsaken, instead hitting a village, killing a few things, and running out, is a great tactic and way to keep ourselves busy, but more importantly, refrain from having villages butchered and having made it impossible for people to level. Raiding encampments (see 2) is also a possibility to prevent senseless city ganking.

2. Setting up encampments/scouting/scheming/spying.

It is obvious that the advantage in a war, is intelligence. Without knowing the other faction's plans, you cannot conquer, especially not if you are not at the winning hand in numbers. That said, this means that both factions should be spying on each other's camps. But awfull guards often make that impossible in some areas.

Solution: Setting up camps.

There are various areas in Lordaeron where both horde and Alliance could simply decide to "Go" and hold position. Changing this location often will result in surprises for all, refreshing scouting missions, and above all, locations to assault without ganking low level villages. I'd say a camp should be recognized by simple features, and also has to have at least one of the following.

To categorize camps from simple scouting parties: Campfire in middle.

- Requirements for camp: Secluded area, atleast a cliff, or a wall, fence, something defendable, not in an open area. I also suggest that, for now, the camps should be limited to Tirisfal, silverpine, Alterac and hillsbrad.

If you keep the above rules in mind, then we also know when to assault you or not. Simply put:

Only assault camps with campfires in the center.

3. Escorts, trading and other social events.

During our stay in Lordaeron, I personally vouch to have a location as "Center". I'd say we stick to Fenris keep as cultural center of the asssault and keep our main supplies stored there. Having a minor "Capital" in the north, leads to new opportunities:

A. Trade routes/escorts: I'd say that there must be a few people willing to escort and support trade. If we can actually get a trade route up, I suggest that, if they get intercepted or killed, the army will be without supplies and forced to face the consequences. But this depends on the input from the Trader side.

B. Social events: IE. Banquets, training, research, gathering, reward ceremonies and the like.

Most of the above is obvious, I'll elaborate research, gathering and reward ceremonies.

Research: The Forsaken are known for their cunning plans based on Alchemy, and I suggest mages or scholars also focus on researching everything they find. Perhaps even host a council or meeting of their own to discuss their finds.

Gathering: Not all supplies have to be traded, conquer a mine, use it. Chop a tree and be rewarded!

Reward ceremonies: I'd say that, at the end of the day, all people involved in certain projects should be written down and added "Points" to a list I'll hold. We still have to find out how to reward these properly however. I suggest that every day a leader for a specific project is voted for, or voted for once at one of the Lordaeron Councils (Councils elaborated below)

He will have to write down the names, and send the list to my email. Reward ceremonies will, depending on how important your acts are, be either focussed on a branch/council or a person in particular. The person in particular will -never- be a leader of a guild, and -always- has to be someone that put extra efford into something, or has achieved something heroic. Again, a proper reward still has to be agreed upon.

NOTE: The event options are endless, suggestions are welcome.

3.Participation Alliance:

The participation of the Alliance will all go through a new "Council" called the "Lordaeron Council" (The name is temporary) Basically all guilds will be able to participate. If one is part of a non-RP guild he can either sign up and pretend to be one of a guild -or- one could organize other guildless/non-rp guildies to form a seperate order, maintaining a list with names, also mailing me.

The council will have a simple Vote system alike the Senate's, and I aim to put nobody in particular at the "Top". I'd say taking turns in who leads the conversation the day one is held. I will not put this idea in details, since I am not the one who should define this council, at all.

4.Participation horde:

I've seen various meetings hosted by the Horde considering Horde politics, I'd suggest that guilds who have interest in the Lordaeron areas (I've heard of project Silverpine and the Apothecary?) take it to such a council and involve it more actively in this event. If a horde leader is inspired to join, do contact me. If a horde leader is willing to organize this for horde side, be my guest. I'll do my best to make this fun for both the Alliance as horde. It will take a while, it will.

5. PvP rules.

There are various ways to make a battle, an RpPvP battle interesting for both sides. Regardless of equipment. There are however certain guidelines i'd love you'd all keep to, for the sake of enjoyment of both sides.

1. When battling an opponent, look for one with equal level -and- stop beating said enemy when he reaches 30% of his HP pool. Let him run and focus on a new target.

2. No flashy AoE's. Why? 1. ugly. 2. See above.

3. No Mind Controls on guild Leaders.

4. No army of the Dead (See one)

5. No jumping around.

6. Auto attack and preferably low level skills, or barely any skills (Boom boom dead ain't no fun, I tell you.)

7. Once at 30%, while not healing yourself, leave the battle, heal up, and run back. LEAVING the battle means, you run until you cannot see the battle. If that is done, you DON'T mount, but run back, once you're at full hp AND mana. IF the battle is lost (Will be informed by the battle leader) do not run back, but stay and await instructions.

8. DO not charge after a routing army. Shoot a few people, perhaps kill two (If completely routed) but do not chase.

If all above rules are atleast followed in a way, mainly the killing part and AoE part, we are content. If not, I feel obliged to put your name on the forum. Naming and shamin is not allowed, I know I will get flamed for this "Threat" but it is important that these simple rules are at least followed in an extend, if we want these events to last longer then one evening of flamewars.

6. Summary.

An event based on groups, randomly formed at any time of day, allowed to perform actions agreed upon by a council of representatives of guilds.

Guildless? "Enlist" in an army.
Non-Rp guild? Above. (Note, RP IS necessary)

What kind of events?


--- next post, somehow too long -

[ Post edited by Dathran ]
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* < The Scarlet Enclave >

* The Sha'tar

* 1. Re: [Weekly events] Lordaeron must fall and rise. 24/11/2009 09:12:59 PST

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Limitations? None. Whereas the call is Scarlet, it is not an event we will dominate. I however request you all to not go "QQ, scarlets, grr grrr I steal ur stuffzorz" since that's simply put, a waste of all of our time and barely fun, at all. (Note, healthy competition is good and exspected. That's what we want. But don't over do it)

Goal? A new area to roleplay, for at least a while, and hopefully, a climactic ending around the undercity.

Area? For now just Tirisfal, silverpine, hillsbrad and Alterac. We might want to expand this if it works out, we also might want to shrink it. Point being, make this a success together and it will last long with fond memories.

7. Branches

This post is made to list all the branches participating in the event and the players in them.

Here they are:


The main military force of the Lordaeron conflcit belongs under this branch, protecting, assaulting, escorting, drilling and leading, is what fits into this branch.

The Alliance Cavalry
Sisters of battle
The Stonefoot clan
Soldiers of the Alliance.


A diverse branch containing cooks, banquet hosts, preachers. But it also involves promotion, recommendation and rewards. Not to mention diplomacy.


Historians, scholars. Salvaging history, teaching history but also investigating poison and cure, is what this branch is for.

The sisters of battle


Trade caravans, quartermasters. Simple and good old trading, belongs in this branch.


Scouting, sneak assaults, theft from our enemies. In short, not being seen, but doing too much to remain unnoticed.

The Alliance Cavalry.
The sisters of battle
Obscurum Cado

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